Thursday, August 5, 2010


Hope's a wonderful thing,
Man lives for a few days without food
For 5 minutes without oxygen
But he would not last a second without hope.
And so you see,
We live on hope everyday.
It may be frail at times,
But one thing's for sure,
It's hard to kill,
Hope is just like a rainbow,
More often than not you only see half, or less than half of it,
It's faint,
But you know it's something that remains after a storm.
James has taught:
"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow.
For what is your life?
It is even a vapour,
That appeareth for a little time,
And then vanisheth away.
For that ye ought to say,
If the Lord will,
We shall live,
And do this,
Or that"
As much as we encourage others with these verses,
We know it isn't that easy,
When You made us and put us here in this world,
You knew that we each had our own heart's desires and ambitions,
And at this point, I realise there's so much i'd hate to leave behind.
Dear Lord however,
You have also willed us to be yielded and still,
Like clay in the potter's hands,
Hence when and if the time comes for me to stub hope out,
When in your own way you've told me "No"
Let me be able to do it,
For the greater good of those around me and myself
For whenever in life that I may need to.
Even so Dear Lord,
Grant me the patience and hope to stand firm,
If it be thy will.

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