Monday, August 9, 2010

These fleeting moments

As the last few hours of the holidays fleet past, and as I look back at what I've done these 3 months. I can say that I've had a really fulfilling one. You know, our minds are like shelves. We place various memories on these shelves. And these shelves can store many happy memories for years to come, if properly cherished. Cherishing these memories would be akin to constantly making sure they are somewhere at the front of these shelves. If we don't - they'll probably we pushed all the way to the back by other thoughts and stuff till they become hard to retrieve. Then again, studies have shown that we never completely forget things. That's the beauty of the human mind.

On another note, school starts tomorrow. The beginning of a new semester and a fresh start. Whenever times got tough in my first year, I would pray, trust that God would guide me through the rain. At times, due to a lack of faith, I would still find myself worrying. I would also think of you, your optimism and down-to-earthness, and in a way draw strength from the thought. Thank you for the encouragement, though you probably didn't know you were doing that for me. It was also during these 3 months that I managed to get a glimpse out of my little window, and I'm grateful for that. Indeed ignorance is bliss, but a part of my world would have been a lie if I hadn't got that little glimpse.

Only He can tell the future..

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