Friday, September 23, 2011

Just a pair of gloves

This is a pair of gloves.
Why am I giving you a pair of gloves?
Hang on,
I'll explain.
Trust me;
Just hold on to them first.
So now we're ready.
What I have to say is pretty simple.
I just want to you to know;
No matter how heavy things might get,
Or how tired you may feel at times
Hang in there,
And keep holding on
It will pass.
Tough times don't last,
But tough people most certainly do.
And remember that He,
Watches over you.
Tell Him.
That you need His strength.
I am sure that he'll listen to you.
And be sure of that.
And when I say I'm praying for you,
I mean it.
You understand now don't you?
Sze Yin.
Put those gloves on,
And keep holding on.
They'll keep those hands from getting hurt,
Over prolonged periods of holding on.
Sorry though,
That you didn't get to choose your colour


  1. Thank you for dedicating this post to me.
    It's beautiful.

    I shall have those gloves put on to sustain these hands (:

    Just wondering though, are those your own?

  2. Welcome! Yup, just for you.
    And nope, these aren't my gloves, though I do have a pair lying around somewhere at home. I actually found this picture from google. It caught my attention because it's striking green. Looks pretty cheerful aye?

  3. Thank you. :)

    Ah google gloves - how interesting! Haha. Yeap the striking lime green looks cheerful indeed - its color is refreshing to the eye!
    I think I can do with that! :P
